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Masjid Ēsa Prayer Times

February 8, 2025

10 Sha'ban 1446

Zuhr Jamat

1:15 pm

2 Hours 46 Minutes
Start5:59 am7:36 am12:27 pm3:17 pm5:11 pm6:21 pm
Jamat6:30 am1:15 pm3:45 pm5:11 pm6:30 pm

February 8, 2025

10 Sha'ban 1446

Zuhr Jamat

1:15 pm

2 Hours 46 Minutes
Prayer Start Jamat
Fajr5:59 am 6:30 am
Sunrise7:36 am
Zuhr12:27 pm 1:15 pm
Asr3:17 pm 3:45 pm
Maghrib5:11 pm 5:11 pm
Isha6:21 pm 6:30 pm


1st Jumuah
Reminder @ 12:05
Khutbah @ 12:40

2nd Jumuah
Reminder @ 13:20
Khutbah @ 13:50


For Masjid Sulayman prayer times download the timetable below or visit




ArRahma Foundation is a non-profit UK registered charity organisation. In line with its Charities Governing Document it functions through:-

  • provision of facilities for congregational worship.
  • provision of facilities for education for public benefit.
  • provision of facilities for social welfare and recreation for youth, males and females, the elderly and/or those with social circumstances.
  • promote racial and religious harmony by promoting knowledge and mutual understanding between different racial and faith groups.
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The name ArRahma

Islam is built on the values of love, mercy, compassion, mutual respect for all people, regardless of difference and respect for the earth itself. These values collectively are referred to as Rahma in the Arabic language.

The Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him, (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was designated in the Qur’an to be “the Prophet of Rahma”.

In the Islamic teachings it is emphasised that Rahma – above other divine attributes – is Allah’s hallmark in creation and constitutes His primary relation to the world from its inception through eternity, in this world and the hereafter. Thus, Islam enjoins Muslims to possess Rahma for themselves, towards other humans, and also to the whole creation.


  • Hire of local community halls

    Hire of local community halls including the Trinity United Reformed Church site (now Masjid Eesa Ibn Maryam) and Highfield Hall Community Centre and its extensive grounds for worship, education and community services, including:

    • weekly Friday prayer congregations (Jumu’ah)
    • adult education classes (Aqeedah, Islamic essentials, Tajweed, Arabic studies through Madinah Book series)
    • after school and weekends children Qur’an and Islamic studies classes
    • annual Islamic ‘Eid prayers and celebrations in the open (Highfield Hall Park)
    • community fun days, BBQs, car washes
    • community litter picking
    • youth leadership training residentials (Peak District, Wales, Cornwall)
    • community health awareness seminars
    • Ramadhan community Iftars
    • Interfaith meetings
    • youth training workshops (substance abuse, peer pressure, crime)
  • Agreed purchase of Ar-Rahma Centre (ARC)

    During 2013 ArRahma Foundation agreed on the purchase of the ArRahma Centre (ARC) site on 1327 Stratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 9HH, with an initial 12 month lease and an eventual purchase during late 2014 for £370,000.00.

    ARC assumed the role of a community hub through the provision of a range of services at all levels, including

    • daily prayers
    • daily Qur’an memorisation (hifdh) classes for children
    • weekly adult classes (including Qur’anic Arabic, Tajweed, Hadith and Seerah
    • weekly youth club
    • regular wider community meetings including health seminars
    • interfaith meetings

    During this period the TUR Church site and Highfield Hall Community Centre was continued to be hired for the additional services, including:

    • weekly Friday prayer congregations (Jumu’ah)
    • after school and weekends children Qur’an and Islamic studies classes
    • annual Islamic ‘Eid prayers and celebrations in the open (Highfield Hall Park)
    • community fun days
    • community litter picking
    • youth leadership training residentials
    • community health awareness seminars
    • Ramadhan community Iftars
  • Purchased Masjid Esa

    The ARC building soon became too small for accommodating the continuously growing Muslim community it served as well as being limited for parking and most importantly subject to restricted timings for usage (7am until 10pm daily) causing a disruption in the Fajr and ‘Isha congregations during the longer summer days.

    So, in July 2016, the Trustees of the Trinity United Reformed Church decided to vacate the premises from all tenants and declared to sell the Church site and extensive grounds. Most of the services based at the Trinity URC were then shifted to Highfield Hall Community Centre with additional hiring.

    In view the growing need of the expanding Muslim community and the demands for larger single site facility that could accommodate all or most of its projects, ArRahama Foundation made every effort to raise funds to be able to buy these premises. Alhamdulillah, during May 2017 the Trinity United Reformed Church site was purchased for the sum of £760,000.00.

  • Moved to Masjid Esa

    After several months of renovation and refurbishment, during January 2018, ArRahma Foundation shifted most its services to the new Masjid site, named, Masjid ‘Esa Ibn Maryam (translated into English as The Mosque of Jesus, son of Mary).

    All the previous projects matured and expanded during these years. This meant that many projects were oversubscribed including extended waiting lists for the education and community projects. There was also a pressing need for other community projects including dedicated funeral and youth centre services.

    During April 2021 The York Pub site composed of multiple halls, over a dozen rooms, an extensive car park and additional grounds was put on sale. This site appeared to be the ideal venue to house the above-mentioned oversubscribed projects. In addition to this, there was no provision of a Masjid in the immediate area (approximately 1.5 miles radius). Alhamdulillah, during May 2021 this site was purchased for 1.1 million pounds.

Our Mission 

To establish mosques as dynamic centres of the community, delivering not just services of worship, but also grassroots education and community projects and thereby making a positive and meaningful contribution to society.

Our Vision

Our vision is to foster an outstanding community that inspires excellence in worship (‘Ibaadah) and education and awakens the spirit of service (khidmah) among Muslims and the wider society.


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